29 Settembre 2020 - No Comments!

15 settembre giorno

AMBO TERNO QUATERNA CINQUINA AL LOTTO CON LA DATA DI NASCITA 15 SETTEMBRE - Il miglior sito di oroscopi giornaliero, settimanale, mensile, annuale online gratis . Ore 17.00 – Miralem Pjanic ha parlato in conferenza stampa durante la presentazione al Barcellona. Il mondo, purtroppo, è composto anche di una piccola fetta di gente con poco valore morale, ma voltate pagina e pensate solamente a chi merita la vostra completa attenzione. Qualche nativo del Cancro potrebbe sentirvi un pochino indisposto o lunatico.L'amore di coppia potrebbe essere entrato in una fase critica.La vita, per voi nativi di questo brioso segno zodiacale, è come una continua lotta sul ring. The physical and athletics trainings, kata competition, combat, scrupulous attention to diet and heart rate.The great effort of the international stage in Grado.Everything I set out to do has been completed.I must say that in spite of the last days and the week passed in Grado, the weather was kind to me.In fact, I coached during a beautiful summer , but relatively fresh.Together, you and I, we have made this journey of preparation for EMG.My weight has, to date, optimal weight of 72 kilos in fact, losing a total of nearly 10.Together, I said, we have made this journey, and we got to know a little 'more.Your emails of encouragement and incitement have accompanied me during my daily jogging longside the venetian lagoon, exciting phases of combat in the sunset at the beach with my various sparring-partners, when I'd had enough of doing kata and when I could not.more to pull up the weights in the session dedicated to the chest.Will race on Saturday morning, we start with kata around 8 o'clock.The kata and kumite kimonos are ready and packed, the protection staff too.The various T-shirts to sweat in the heat have packed.Together with you I sweated up beyond belief ....Whatever the results, however, something we have already won.The desire do good, to do well , is great in me.I can not wait to leave, to enter the competition.Like when I was young, the very sight of the building in the distance, I already know, I will implode for a moment, like in front of a huge totem pole, and then, immediately after, loaded and galvanized, I will explode saturday morning at the first rehearsal.Otherwise would not be a race, and bow myself to the skill of my opponent, if it will.One thing is certain though: do not go there to lose.Punter at most every technique kata, every flicker that I and my opponent will have to do in combat.I will focus all the way up and I will use the 'experience, strength, speed, technique which I am capable of.European Master Games di karate, giorno 1, 16 sett...European Master Games di karate, Lignano 15,16, 1...European Master Games di karate, Lignano 17 settembre.