29 Settembre 2020 - No Comments!

collegi elettorali regionali toscana

Primo semestre. ‘Terzo trimestre di fortissimo rimbalzo’. Marco Mancinetti, Unicost, si dimette. Avvia un ciclopico programma nucleare.Nexus. Francia 8,975 nuovi casi, Spagna 4,503.India. L'Ufficio e osservatorio elettorale è un settore che fa parte della Direzione generale della Presidenza della Giunta regionale della Toscana. Semestre su semestre -15.3%.Francia. Puglia e Marche. Istat. Ma se fosse possibile una sinergia, il blocco di destra arriverebbe al 43.7% dei voti.Le prossime elezioni dovrebbero chiarire alla fine la situazione numerica.In linea generale, però, sembrerebbe prospettarsi un risultato elettorale non favorevole ai liberal.For a traditional and religious country, electing a woman, a divorced mother living in an informal relationship, and a human rights lawyer holding liberal views on LGBT rights and abortion legislation constitutes a novelty and a shift in attitudes.As populist parties sweep into power across Europe, Slovakia takes a liberal turn by.While liberals rejoice, some urge caution over the growing support for the far-right in Slovakia, as well as over voting alignment between the ruling SMER-DS and the far-right on social and ethical issues.We should not forget about the first round of presidential elections, which revealed the uglier side of Slovak politics.The two anti-system candidates – the conspirationist former justice minister Stefan Harabin and,In the run up to the elections, the ruling SMER-DS and the far-right LSNS held talks, joined forces and aligned their votes on social and ethical issues, such as to.In addition to SMER-DS, the Centre-right Slovak National party and the populist We Are Family also held talks with the far-right.Considering political pragmatism and lack of consistency displayed by Robert Fico in the past, observers do not exclude that SMER-DS would align with any of the political parties represented in the parliament in order to push its agenda in the future.Prime minister Peter Pellegrini, however, rejected any suggestion of a future coalition government with the far-right LSNS.Observers also caution against jumping to conclusions over how progressive Slovak society is in terms of gender equality and women’s representation in national governments.In fact, in the run up to the elections, many doubted that a woman.Rather than voting for a woman, observers note, the public voted for the candidate who was credible, independent from the establishment, and who was perceived as capable of bringing about positive change.As such, Caputova’s success should be viewed partly as a result of public disillusionment with the governing coalition a year after the.It was her image of authenticity and political decency that united the divided electorate in Slovakia.In this regard, Caputova rise and appeal is comparable to that of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the US Congress.The office of the president is largely a ceremonial role in Slovakia, with the real powers of the state being vested in the hands of the prime minister.Caputova nevertheless committed to ensuring justice for all Slovaks by reinforcing the independence of the public prosecutor’s office and in the naming of judges, which will fall under her responsibility.Despite the limitations she will face, the symbolic value of her election should not be underestimated.Caputova victory already boosted her Progressive Slovakia (PS) party’s prospects in EU elections and contributed to the consolidation the liberal camp at home.Because her victory came at a low turnout of 40 percent, to push her agenda the president-elect will need to work together with, and secure the backing of, the parliament dominated by SMER-DS, led by Fico.All eyes now turn to the national parliamentary elections, which are due in a year, and which will constitute the real test for the progressive left in Slovakia.Although the political sands in Slovakia are shifting and it is too early to make any predictions, one could imagine two political blocs consolidating ahead of the 2020 elections: a liberal-democratic one, led by the outgoing president Andrej Kisa and, symbolically, by the president-elect Caputova; and a nationalist bloc with authoritarian-coloured tendencies formed by parties such as SMER-DS, the Slovak National party and the We Are Family, which is connected to Marine Le Pen’s and Matteo Salvini’s ENF group.Rather than paving the way for a more liberal region, the situation in Slovakia can also take the Austrian turn, where a liberal president finds himself in a difficult position having to balance a right-wing coalition government.Il problema è semplice ed interessa tutta la nazione: risponde alla banalissima domanda.Se in Occidente è in auge il concetto che sia il popolo sovrano a scegliersi chi li governerà tramite libere elezioni, sarebbe altrettanto vero constatare come il sistema di legge elettorale sia condizionante dei risultati finali.Premettiamo subito come non esista una legge elettorale perfetta.Il sistema funziona benissimo quando un partito politico ha la forza di conquistarsi la maggioranza assoluta dei seggi.In caso contrario, il sistema proporzionale è una iattura: condanna alla ingovernabilità.Il sistema esclusivamente proporzionale dimostrò tutti i suoi limiti nella Francia degli anni ’50: il quadro politico risultava essere frazionato in numerosi piccoli partiti, incapaci alla fine di pervenire ad una coalizione che fosse stata ragionevolmente stabile.

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